Required fields are marked with an asterisk *
Do you want the 8' table(s) provided with your booth choice?
Additional Tables
You may request additional tables for your booth. Each additional table is $20.
Each vendor can have up to three name tags. One name tag is required.
Please select your payment option.
For PayPal, please use the link on the Merchant Mall Main Page.
Please make check payable to PVQA and mail to PO Box 1412, Aptos, CA 95001
Terms and Conditions
By checking the box below and submitting this application, I certify that the named business is in compliance with all applicable California State and Santa Cruz County regulations, including, but not limited to, valid Seller's Permits, Itinerant Food Permits, and other licenses, as required.
I agree to comply with all pandemic mitigation requirements (e.g. masking) then in effect by Santa Cruz County and the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds.
I understand that all sales are conducted solely between my business and the buyer, and I agree to indemnify and hold PVQA harmless from any claims arising therefrom.
The Pajaro Valley Quilt Association (PVQA) thanks you for becoming a vendor at our 2025 Quilt Show!